Want Something Sweet? Riding the highs and lows of weight and mood? Possibly More Than You Anticipate!
Want Something Sweet? Riding the highs and lows of weight and mood? Possibly More Than You Anticipate!
Food producers and the sugar industry are making a killing off of people's susceptibility to carbohydrate addiction. Arteriosclerosis (artery plaque), adult-onset diabetes, PMS, mood swings, weight issues, chronic exhaustion, and poorly managed blood sugar are just a few of the many health concerns that can result from improper blood sugar managing. There is also evidence that sugar addiction is associated with alcoholism!
Take into account the fact that a syndrome referred to as "Gut Fermentation" or "Auto-Brewery Syndrome" is actually the subject of conjecture. Multiple lines of evidence point to the following: 1. An overabundance of yeast in the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract); 2. Hypochlorhydria, or compromised stomach acid levels; and 3. Consumption of refined carbohydrates, all of which contribute to the production of measurable amounts of alcohol. Indeed, this syndrome is thought to affect 61% of individuals with chronic illness.
"Candida Albicans" is a little yeast that regulates your appetite. Candida albicans, what exactly is it? The fungi known as yeasts inhabit the digestive tracts, skin, and other surfaces of all forms of life, and they are neither plants nor animals (and foods). The presence of vast populations of "good flora" (the type of bacteria that genuinely support human health) keeps yeasts under check, though, because yeasts typically dwell in tiny enough quantities.
As a member of the fungus family, Candida yeast thrives in warm, damp environments, which it finds on or inside living organisms. Because candida "loves" carbs and dairy products, people with candida often have an insatiable craving for sugary and fatty meals. They are staples in American cuisine.
The Best Way for Me to Make a Self-Diagnosis? Despite the availability of testing, many doctors still rely on patient history and symptoms when making a diagnosis. Take a moment to reflect on the following questions before completing the symptom assessment in Section #6:Had a history of antibiotic use spanning from childhood into adulthood?Has your life ever been, or are you currently experiencing, times of high to extreme stress?Used oral contraceptives for any length of time?Consume a lot of white flour, sugar, pasta, cake, ice cream, cheese, etc.?Are you the parent of a child who has received the labels of "slow learner," "underachiever," or "ADD/ADHD"? Yeast syndrome has a devastating impact on our children.Please mark your symptoms:Headaches,Feeling down,Fatigue,Changes in mood,inexplicable pain in muscles and joints,Sexual dysfunction and a diminished libido,Intolerances to chemicals,Breathing difficulties with asthma,Food intolerancesLoss of memory,Seasonal influenza,Issues with Resting,Endometriosis, infertility, VolvodyniaProblems with Focusing,I have ear issues.Nose rash,Activated phenomen,Not Doing Well in Class,Chronic yeast infections in the vagina,Reactions to sexual contactDisc proliferation
What Causes This Yeast Syndrome? Yeasts are just one of the millions of bacteria ("micro flora") that live in a healthy human immune system. The usage of antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action is the root cause of the imbalance. The body's natural mechanism for controlling yeast populations is impaired since these medications eliminate both contagious bacteria and the "good flora" that ordinarily resides in our bodies. This provides an opportunity for the opportunistic yeast to proliferate.
To make matters worse, yeasts weaken the immune system even further by releasing poisons into their host body. In turn, this makes people more prone to re-infection, which in turn increases antibiotic usage, which in turn kills off more "good flora" and ensures that yeasts continue to overgrow.
There is a system-wide problem with yeasts since they can and do spread. Its widespread presence can lead to a wide range of symptoms.
Next Steps for YOU: When taking antibiotics, it isn't enough to just eat yogurt to consume the "good flora" (acidophilus and bifidus). It is critical to make dietary modifications and to take herbs and supplements. For more serious instances, doctors may prescribe anti-fungal medication. Dr. Crock's The Yeast Connection, Caroline Sutherland's The Body Knows, and William Dufty's Sugar Blues are just a few of the essential reads on the subject.
No one should ever have to deal with the misery that is caused by a Candida yeast infection. It will remain until you do something about it. Some people's candidiasis problems have been so crippling that they've considered escaping into a plastic bubble for their own health. If you suffer from a systemic yeast infection, curing it can have a profound impact on your well-being, restoring your youthful vigor and health in ways you never imagined possible.
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